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6.6 Convert Numbers Between Bases


You want to convert a number to a different base.


The PowerShell scripting language allows you to enter both decimal and hexadecimal numbers directly. It doesn’t natively support other number bases, but its support for interaction with the .NET Framework enables conversion both to and from binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal.

To convert a hexadecimal number into its decimal representation, prefix the number with 0x:

PS > $myErrorCode = 0xFE4A
PS > $myErrorCode

To convert a binary number into its decimal representation, prefix it with 0b:

PS > 0b10011010010

If you have the value as a string, you can supply a base of 2 to the [Convert]::ToInt32() method:

PS > [Convert]::ToInt32("10011010010", 2)

To convert an octal number into its decimal representation, supply a base of 8 to the [Convert]::ToInt32() method:

PS > [Convert]::ToInt32("1234", 8)

To convert a number into its hexadecimal representation, use either the [Convert] class or PowerShell’s format operator:

PS > ## Use the [Convert] class
PS > [Convert]::ToString(1234, 16)

PS > ## Use the formatting operator
PS > "{0:X4}" -f 1234

If you have a large array of bytes that you want to convert into its hexadecimal representation, you can use the BitConverter class:

PS > $bytes = Get-Content hello_world.txt -AsByteStream
PS > [System.BitConverter]::ToString($bytes).Replace("-","")

To convert a number into its binary representation, supply a base of 2 to the [Convert]::ToString() method:

PS > [Convert]::ToString(1234, 2)

To convert a number into its octal representation, supply a base of 8 to the [Convert]::ToString() method:

PS > [Convert]::ToString(1234, 8)


It’s most common to want to convert numbers between bases when you’re dealing with numbers that represent binary combinations of data, such as the attributes of a file. For more information on how to work with binary data like this, see Recipe 6.4.

See Also

Recipe 6.4, “Work with Numbers as Binary”