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1.7 Program: Monitor a Command for Changes

As thrilling as our lives are, some days are reduced to running a command over and over and over. Did the files finish copying yet? Is the build finished? Is the site still up?

Usually, the answer to these questions comes from running a command, looking at its output, and then deciding whether it meets your criteria. And usually this means just waiting for the output to change, waiting for some text to appear, or waiting for some text to disappear.

Fortunately, Example 1-3 automates this tedious process for you.

Example 1-3. Watch-Command.ps1
## Watch-Command
## From PowerShell Cookbook (O'Reilly)
## by Lee Holmes (http://www.leeholmes.com/guide)



Watches the result of a command invocation, alerting you when the output
either matches a specified string, lacks a specified string, or has simply


PS > Watch-Command { Get-Process -Name Notepad | Measure } -UntilChanged
Monitors Notepad processes until you start or stop one.


PS > Watch-Command { Get-Process -Name Notepad | Measure } -Until "Count    : 1"
Monitors Notepad processes until there is exactly one open.


PS > Watch-Command {
     Get-Process -Name Notepad | Measure } -While 'Count    : \d\s*\n'
Monitors Notepad processes while there are between 0 and 9 open
(once number after the colon).


[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Forever")]
    ## The script block to invoke while monitoring
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
    [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock,

    ## The delay, in seconds, between monitoring attempts
    [Double] $DelaySeconds = 1,

    ## Specifies that the alert sound should not be played
    [Switch] $Quiet,

    ## Monitoring continues only while the output of the
    ## command remains the same.
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "UntilChanged", Mandatory = $false)]
    [Switch] $UntilChanged,

    ## The regular expression to search for. Monitoring continues
    ## until this expression is found.
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Until", Mandatory = $false)]
    [String] $Until,

    ## The regular expression to search for. Monitoring continues
    ## until this expression is not found.
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "While", Mandatory = $false)]
    [String] $While

Set-StrictMode -Version 3

$initialOutput = ""
$lastCursorTop = 0

## Start a continuous loop
    ## Run the provided script block
    $r = & $ScriptBlock

    ## Clear the screen and display the results
    $buffer = $ScriptBlock.ToString().Trim() + "`r`n"
    $buffer += "`r`n"
    $textOutput = $r | Out-String
    $buffer += $textOutput

    [Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, 0)

    $currentCursorTop = [Console]::CursorTop
    $linesToClear = $lastCursorTop - $currentCursorTop
    if($linesToClear -gt 0)
        [Console]::Write((" " * [Console]::WindowWidth * $linesToClear))

    $lastCursorTop = [Console]::CursorTop
    [Console]::SetCursorPosition(0, 0)

    ## Remember the initial output, if we haven't
    ## stored it yet
    if(-not $initialOutput)
        $initialOutput = $textOutput

    ## If we are just looking for any change,
    ## see if the text has changed.
        if($initialOutput -ne $textOutput)

    ## If we need to ensure some text is found,
    ## break if we didn't find it.
        if($textOutput -notmatch $While)

    ## If we need to wait for some text to be found,
    ## break if we find it.
        if($textOutput -match $Until)

    ## Delay
    Start-Sleep -Seconds $DelaySeconds

## Notify the user
if(-not $Quiet)
    [Console]::Beep(1000, 1000)

For more information about running scripts, see Recipe 1.2.

See Also

Recipe 1.2, “Run Programs, Scripts, and Existing Tools”